Friday, July 18, 2008

just now...

...I'm having a conversation with Saraya. I enlisted her help with making up bags for inviting kids to VBS. I love conversations with her. She's so funny. It went something like this:

S: Where did you get this chalk from mommy?
D: Mrs Cristi bought it.
S: That was VERY nice of her.

S: Are you going to tape these [closed]?
D: No, I'm going to tie them.
S: Ty's not a new friend.
D: No, I'm going to tie the ribbon, I wasn't talking about Ty your friend.
S: I know. But Ty's not a new friend. He's my bestest buddy. But he's not a new friend. Just Mason's a new friend. And Ross is a new friend. And Addie's a new friend.
D: That's right they are new friends.
S: But Elijah's not a new friend either.

Then she broke out in song...... what song you ask? Why, Jingle Bells of course!!!


Lesley said...

Ahhhhh...that is great! Our kids are too darn funny.

Amanda said...

That's so funny. You just never know what is about to come out of their mouths. It's so fun!

Sarah said...

LOL! I love the mind of a 4 year old. It's like a roller coaster ride.

Misty said...

what would she have said if you were going to staple the bags.....she's awesome.

Amy Barrett said...

Funny! Love the conversations of 4 year olds!