Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Top Six

WOW!!! It's no secret that I love American Idol. Last night was amazing because I love Andrew Lloyd Webber! I loved all the performaces, because the songs are so great. But David Archuleta was INCREDIBLE...... he actually brought me to tears. To take a song intended for a woman, and change the way it sounds, to fit him..... and then he sang it soooooo well. He was awesome. David Cook was my second favorite. He's done different arangements all along, so it was nice to hear him actually sing the song. Phantom is my favorite play so I was pleased that my two favorites sang Phantom songs!!! (I think it's JCastro's week to go)

1 comment:

Sarah said...


You don't think it's Start-Over-Twice-Brooke???